RESCUE to calm yourself | Mind Cafe

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

RESCUE to calm yourself

RESCUE yourself

If you feel like you've “had enough”, follow these simple tips to restore focus and regain inner calm wherever you are:

Relax - Take 10 deep breaths. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly.
Exercise - Learn some basic yoga techniques or just take a 10 minute walk.
Smile - Think of a happy time. It is near impossible to keep frowning while smiling and laughter stimulates the production of mood enhancing endorphins.
Calm - Let your imagination take you to a calm and tranquil place that exudes peace, serenity and beauty.
Use Your Lunch break - Take time out for yourself. A walk in the park, especially if it is sunny, can do wonders for your mood. It will help you work more efficiently in the afternoon too. Practice Ho'oponopono, chant Switchwords. .etc
Escape - If you are able to, walk away. Removing yourself from a stressful situation can give you time to restore some perspective.

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